A controversial topic has come to the forefront since the recent rise of bullying. In an effort to help bullying victims, some parents are turning to plastic surgery. The question becomes, “Is Miami plastic surgery okay for children?” There is
The Rise of Cosmetic Surgery for Women
More Men Are Turning to Plastic Surgery
There has been a near 100% increase in men seeking cosmetic procedures in the last decade, particularly the last five years. Many of the requests are for cosmetic eyelid surgery, brow lifts, cheek lifts or implants, jawline augmentation, and other
Why Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty Is the Best Lower Eyelid Surgery
There is a new style of lower eyelid surgery that has become popular among many who need it known as transconjunctival blepharoplasty. More and more of the best plastic surgeons in Miami are turning to this new method, because it
Take Years off Your Face with This One Cosmetic Procedure
As we age, gravity begins pulling some cruel tricks on our appearance. Some days we look in the mirror and ask, “Who are you?!” Lucky for us, the expertise of a Miami cosmetic surgeon can restore that fresh-faced look we
How to Eliminate Dark Circles under Eyes
The consensus of the best plastic surgeons in Miami is that you may develop dark circles under your eyes for a variety of reasons. Whether your dark circles respond best to Miami plastic surgery, or some other treatment will be
Malar Festoons: Is Blepharoplasty The Solution?
There are many reasons someone might be in need of blepharoplasty; it is a surgery required for correcting deformities, disfigurations, or defects of the eyelids. Most people know when they have some sort of eyelid issue and consult a Miami
Is Ptosis Considered A Cosmetic Procedure? And Will My Insurance Cover It?
Many people get cosmetic procedures for aesthetic reasons; they don’t like how something looks, so they change it. Other cosmetic procedures are necessary for things like repairing ptosis, which essentially means drooping eyelids. This is not the same as sagging
Should I Get Blepharoplasty Now, Or Wait To Get A Face Lift Later?
Blepharoplasty in laymen’s terms is eyelid surgery; it is done to eliminate baggy and droopy eyelids that are not only aesthetically displeasing to those who live with them, but also can cause vision problems. Vision problems are extreme cases; many
What To Expect With Lower Lid Eye Surgery
If you’ve made the decision to have cosmetic eyelid surgery to correct lower lid bags, you already know that the desired outcome from the surgery is to reduce the tired or sad appearance that aging often produces below the eyes.