Eyelid Cancer Reconstruction in Miami

Eyelid skin cancers, primarily basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, are forms of skin cancer that occur on the eyelid. These types of cancer typically result from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, either from the sun or tanning beds. They are characterized by the growth of abnormal cells on the outer layer of the eyelid, sometimes extending to the surrounding tissues.

Symptoms of Eyelid Skin Cancer

In most cases, eyelid skin cancer is painless and presents few symptoms. Some of the common signs include:

  • Visible growths on or around the eyelids
  • Discolored patches of skin
  • Unusual bumps in the eyelid area
  • Irritation or itching around the eye
  • Enlarged blood vessels near

Common Causes of Eyelid Skin Cancer

The most common causes of eyelid skin cancer are:

  • Exposure to UV radiation: Sunlight and tanning beds emit UV radiation, which can lead to basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell skin cancer, and melanoma.
  • Fair skin or light-colored eyes: Individuals with light skin and eyes have less melanin, which protects against UV radiation. As a result, they are more susceptible to developing eyelid cancer.
  • Age: Most cases of basal and squamous cell cancers occur after the age of 50.
  • History of sunburns or fragile skin: Sunburns or skin damage from burns, injury, or disease can increase the risk of eyelid cancer.
  • Personal medical history: Individuals with rare genetic conditions such as xeroderma pigmentosum, basal cell nevus syndrome, or albinism are at a significantly higher risk for eyelid cancer. Weakened immune systems, certain medications, or exposure to radiation can also increase the risk of squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas.
  • Previous skin cancer: Individuals who have had any type of skin cancer are at a higher risk of developing another skin cancer.

Diagnosis and Treatments for Eyelid Cancer in Miami

If you suspect that you may have eyelid cancer, it is important to seek medical attention right away. An oculoplastic surgeon or Mohs micrographic surgeon in Miami can diagnose and treat eyelid skin cancers.

The diagnosis process usually involves a biopsy of the abnormal growth, which will be evaluated under a microscope. Once diagnosed with eyelid cancer, your doctor may recommend various treatments such as:

  • Mohs micrographic surgery: This surgery is a precise and effective method of removing the cancer while preserving healthy tissue. During this procedure, the surgeon removes one layer of skin at a time until there are no remaining cancer cells.
  • Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy involves freezing abnormal growths with liquid nitrogen. This is a minimally invasive procedure that can destroy cancer cells.
  • Radiation: Radiation therapy is a treatment option for eyelid cancer that kills cancer cells with high doses of radiation.

Mohs Micrographic Surgery in Miami

Mohs micrographic surgery is considered the gold standard for treating eyelid cancer and is a common treatment option at our skincare clinics in Miami. During this procedure, the surgeon will remove the cancer and any surrounding cancer cells. The procedure is done under local anesthesia in an operating room, and the tissue is examined under a microscope to ensure that all of the cancer cells have been removed.

If more tissue needs to be removed, additional layers will be taken until healthy tissue is reached. Once the tumor has been completely removed, reconstructive surgery may be necessary to restore the appearance of the eyelid.

Recovery time

The recovery time for eyelid surgery depends on the type of procedure performed and the extent of cancer removal. In most cases, you can expect to take about a week off from work or school to rest and recover. During this time, your doctor will provide instructions on how to care for your eye as it heals. It is important to follow all of their instructions in order to minimize the risk of infection or complications, especially in the case of reconstructive plastic surgery.


The best way to prevent eyelid cancer is to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Wearing sunglasses with UV protection, avoiding tanning beds, and staying out of direct sunlight during peak hours are all great ways to reduce your risk.

Additionally, always make sure to do regular skin checks for any unusual growths or discolored patches that may be signs of cancer.

If you are concerned about your risk of developing eyelid skin cancer, contact an oculoplastic surgeon or Mohs micrographic surgeon in Miami to discuss your options.

Your doctor can provide information on treatments and preventive measures that can help reduce your risk and keep you healthy. Taking these steps now can protect your eyesight in the future and ensure you are able to enjoy the beauty of life for years to come.

Contact Us To Learn More

If you have any questions about eyelid tumors, cryotherapy, or any other types of eyelid skin cancer intervention, please don’t hesitate to give our office a call or fill out a form to learn more. Our team is dedicated to helping you make the best decisions for your health, well-being, and self-esteem.