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Dr. Tanenbaum specializes in some of the most delicate and sought-after surgery available to patients in Miami. Patients who visit our clinic are seeking treatment for both functional and cosmetic reasons; eyelid reconstruction and other facial plastic surgery can make life-changing improvements to their appearance, and restore function to facial muscles.

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Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeries

4 Lid Blepharoplasty

4-Lid Blepharoplasty refers to the eyelid surgery done on the upper and lower lids of both eyes. It is meant to increase peripheral vision and reduce aging around the eyes, by removing excess fat and skin from the lids.

Patients who have had this type of procedure experienced more youthful-looking skin, tauter lines between the brows and around the corners, and smaller bags under the eyes.

Upper Lid Blepharoplasty is a type of facial plastic surgery that counteracts signs of aging in the upper lid of the eyes, by reducing excess skin and removing fat that causes heaviness on the brow. 

Patients of upper eyelid surgery will enjoy a thinner, more youthful complexion, and in many cases, improved peripheral vision.

Lower Lid Blepharoplasty is one of the most common procedures done by plastic surgeons in Miami. Its main purpose is to remove signs of fatigue and drooping from underneath the eyes, caused by aging and genetics.

Patients of this type of eyelid surgery will see a reduction or outright removal of bags under the eyes, as well as a more natural and beautiful transition from the eyes into the rest of the face.

Every so often patients in Miami requires a repair of a botched facial procedure. Our plastic surgeons are adept at identifying problems, as well as knowing how to fix eyelid surgery gone wrong. 

Patients can expect a more natural-looking result and the satisfaction of improved lines and less heaviness around the upper and lower lids.

For those in Miami who need to improve their field of vision, a functional blepharoplasty might be the plastic surgery option for them. While there are many causes for dropping or heavy eyelids, the condition can cause the lid to descend below the eyelashes, imposing on the field of view. 

Patients who have this type of eyelid surgery will enjoy tighter upper lids, with excess skin and fat removed, relieving the heaviness that caused the obstruction.

Ptosis is the condition of the upper eyelid drooping over the top of the eye, and in extreme cases, the pupil. Ptosis can affect both children and adults, but our extremely knowledgeable plastic surgeons in Miami can treat this condition with a corrective procedure.

Patients of ptosis surgery will find improvements to their eyelid lifting muscles and an increased field of vision.


Due to the diversity of eyelid shapes among the various Asian ethnicities, blepharoplasty for those individuals requires different techniques. Such techniques have been perfected by our Miami plastic surgeons in order to help counteract the “double eyelid” condition.

There are complications that can occur due to thyroid disease that affects the upper and lower eyelids, such as scarring to the muscles, swelling, and fat depositing. Dryness is also a factor, which can cause irritation and discomfort. Eyelid surgery is an appropriate procedure to counteract these trials.

Patients of this procedure will enjoy reduced exposure for their eyes, as well as a reduction in the drooping of their eyelids.

Skin cancer around the eyes is fairly common for those who aren’t in the habit of wearing UV-shielding sunglasses, or sunscreen. The most common of these maladies is basal cell carcinomas (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). This manifests as small, open lesions around the lash lines and the lids that may weep fluid or crust over. 

Happily, treatment of these types of skin cancer is one of the more routine instances of facial plastic surgery, and–in the hands of an experienced surgeon–should not cause any great alarm.

Ectropion is a condition in which the eyelid folds outward, exposing the inner lid to the elements. This can cause irritation, like itching and dryness. Commonly, the greater portion of patients with ectropion are seniors, but it can affect young people as well.

Ectropion treatments are a common type of eyelid surgery in Miami. Our doctors will look to make sure the surrounding tissue around the eyelid is not damaged. Procedures include either correcting the ligament droopiness normally caused by aging, or possibly graft skin onto the eyelid in order to support scarred and weak tissue.


Browlifts are one of the most common and most famous types of facial plastic surgery, and dozens are performed every day in Miami. This is generally to treat wrinkles in the face by making a small incision either at or above the hairline (called an endoscopic and coronal incision, respectively) and pulling the skin up so as to decrease signs of aging.

The mid-face lift is a type of facial plastic surgery that focuses on eliminating wrinkles and drooping skin around the cheeks and mouth. It is not uncommon to also include lower eyelid surgery in this procedure as well to eliminate bagginess and excess skin around the eyes.

Patients of a mid-face lift will notice softer lines and reduced wrinkles, as well as less fat buildup in the lower lids.

Lower Eyelid Retraction is a type of condition that causes the skin underneath the eyes to sit lower on the face. This can be caused by trauma such as injury and scarring or may be the result of thyroid eye disease. Our plastic surgeons in Miami are familiar with this issue and may employ a number of different surgical procedures to fix it. 

Patients receiving retraction repair may notice a lifting of the corner of the eyes, or an instrument called a spacer may be inserted to fill in missing volume. Skin graphs are also common.

Miscellaneous Diseases

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer in the world, and the cancer most often diagnosed and treated. Normally the basal cell, one of the cells found in the skin, will age and be replaced by newly formed cells. This process can become uncontrollable, however, if the cells are damaged due to prolonged ultra-violet exposure, usually from the sun.

BCC manifests as closed bumps or open lesions on the skin that can fester and crust over. Treatment includes radiation therapy and plastic surgery.

Blepharospasm is a condition wherein the eye muscles will spasm and contract independently, causing the eyelids to close. This can result in an extreme loss of vision due to the eye’s inability to open. 

Treatments can vary, but most commonly include injections into the eyelids and the taking of medications like muscle relaxants.

Canaliculitis is inflammation of the eye caused by an infection in the tear duct of the inner eye (known as the canaliculus). This can manifest as a large, bulbous red protrusion. Itchiness, redness, and discharge are also attendant.

Treatment of this condition is typically done with outpatient eyelid surgery to remove foreign bodies, and to drain excess fluid.

A chalazion is a cyst that grows in the eyelid. This is a common occurrence, usually caused by a meibomian gland (one that lubricates the eye) becomes blocked or swollen. While this type of condition typically only lasts for a few weeks at most, chronic cases may be due to various underlying causes, like conjunctivitis. 

Treatment includes pressing a warm compress or medicated eye pads to the affected area. If the chalazion persists longer than usual, a doctor may prescribe a steroid to reduce inflammation.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the conjunctiva is a malignant eye disease that is most often caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. This presents as irritation, redness, and the feeling of a foreign body in the eye. In extreme cases, the eye will begin to grow a painless white substance over the entire surface that may not stop unless treated.

Treatment typically involves surgery to remove the growth, which can grow more complicated depending on the progression of the disease.

Dacryocystitis is an infection of the tear sac, typically caused by some sort of blockage in the tear duct. It manifests as an inflamed, inner bulge near the eye that can cause redness, pain, headaches, and dizziness.

Treatment is most commonly done by facial plastic surgery to remove the blockage, followed by antibiotics to avoid infection.

Dermatitis is a general diagnosis referring to any type of skin irritation, including dryness, itchiness, redness, inflammation, and crustiness. Depending on the severity of illness, as well as the cause of dermatitis, treatments can vary between self-applied medications like ointments, creams, and oral pills, and professionally administered procedures, like plastic surgery.

Ectropion is a condition that causes the eyelid–usually the lower lid–to fold outwards. This will expose the inner lid, and cause redness, dryness, itching, and inflammation. This is often caused simply by aging, as the ligaments under the eyes get loose and start to bag under the eyes. Traumatic injury resulting in scarred tissue can also cause ectropion.

Surgeons can counteract this through eyelid surgery to lift the skin, and in some cases, a skin graph to support weak tissue.

Entropion is the opposite of ectropion, namely wherein the eyelid folds inward so that the eyeball becomes irritated by the eyelashes. 

Treatment of this condition is done through eyelid surgery and subsequent usage of eye drops.

Lagophthalmos is a condition that prevents the eyelids from closing completely. This is caused by damage to the facial nerves, either through trauma, infections, or condition-related issues like Bell’s palsy or Möbius’ syndrome.

Treatment can vary for lagophthalmos, depending on the amount of damage done to the cornea. However, facial plastic surgery, namely of the eyelids, can treat the dermal symptoms. Tightening the lower lid while recessing the upper can help to close the eye completely. Our plastic surgeons in Miami are adept at this type of procedure.

A cyst is a swelling of the glands within the eyelid, usually due to some sort of blockage. This presents as a bulbous growth on the eye that may be tender to the touch, as well as causing headaches and dizziness.

Our plastic surgeons in Miami can remove the cyst through surgery, and thus treat the blockage itself to prevent further growths.

Lymphoma of the eye is a type of cancer, manifesting as a tumor. This can cause redness, irritation, and in advanced cases damage to the eye, and loss of sight. This is due to the abnormal proliferation of certain types of cells within the lymphatic system (typically B- and T-cells).

Radiation treatments like chemotherapy are most often used to combat ocular lymphoma.

Melanoma is one of the more serious strains of skin cancer, because of its ability to metastasize quickly to other organs besides the epidermis if not diagnosed and treated quickly. Melanoma of the eye actually develops within the eye, and the subject is not usually symptomatic early on. However, as it progresses, this cancer can cause impaired or lost vision, as well as a change to the color and shape of the eye. 

Radiation and laser treatment are the typical procedures to combat ocular melanoma.

A nevus is one of the most common occurrences in the human eye. Often called an eye freckle, a nevus is simply a small discoloration on the surface, or inside of, the eye. Annual visits to the eye doctor to track its size and color will help determine whether or not it is something to be worried about.

Ocular oncocytoma refers to lesions on the eye, sometimes revealing a benign tumor. Surgery to remove the lesions is a common treatment.

SCCs refer to Squamous Cell Carcinoma, a malignant eye disease that can be caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, or HIV/AIDS. Consulting with a plastic surgeon here in Miami can open up a number of treatment options for the patient, including surgery to remove any obstructions from the eye.

Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma is a type of cancer affecting the eyelid, wherein an oil gland begins to swell into a painless lump in the eye. Typical treatments include eyelid surgery to remove the growth.

Seborrheic Keratosis is a common type of skin growth that varies in size and color and can be seen all over the body. Manifesting mainly as the patient grows older, facial plastic surgery is a great way to remove unwanted spots from the eyes and face. They are otherwise nonmalignant and non-contagious.

A stye is a red, bulbous growth on the eyelid, inflamed and full of pus. It is often very painful and can be caused by coming into contact with a diseased animal, using contaminated makeup, or even through diabetes. Styes can often manifest when treatment of the eyes has been neglected or careless, like wearing dirty or expired contact lenses. 

Treatment of a stye is usually non-invasive, like applying a warm compress; the stye should go away on its own after a week or so. If the stye persists, a doctor may perform a mild case of eyelid surgery to drain the affected area.

Xanthelasma is a nonmalignant growth under or around the eyelid of yellow cholesterol deposits. Eyelid surgery to remove the deposit is a preferable treatment among patients.

Our before and after gallery showcases Dr. Tanenbaum’s commitment to excellence, and results that speak for themselves. We encourage potential patients to view the gallery as they consider if plastic surgery is the right choice for them, understanding that this is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. 

Candidates for ophthalmic plastic surgery include people whose eyelids are drooping due to aging or injury, or those who don’t like the current folds of their eyelids and are seeking a different shape. If this is the case for you, contact our Miami plastic surgery clinic today for a consultation.

Results You Can Count On

With every patient, Dr. Tanenbaum takes the utmost care to ensure each procedure is tailored precisely for you and your individual needs in order to provide beautiful, natural results that improve your overall appearance.

Deciding to get facial plastic surgery can be daunting, but our Miami clinic has decades of experience in helping you look just like you always wanted. Take some time to go through our before and after pictures to get a good sense of the type of work our plastic surgeons do

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