A brow lift is not one size fits all when it comes to cosmetic procedures; what is possible, is dictated by the natural position of a person’s brow, which is different for everyone. The best plastic surgeons in Miami for this type
Side Effects And Complications From Facial Cosmetic Procedures
Should Teenagers Be Allowed To Get Plastic Surgery
Less Invasive Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty Equals Better Results
Sometimes as people age they begin to accumulate excess fat on the lower lids of their eyes, which increases shadowing, creates lines, and makes a person look tired. To brighten up a person’s face and appear more alert and even
Reconstructive Eye Surgery After Cancer Removal
Receiving a cancer diagnosis in itself can be devastating news, but when the location is in the eye area and the solution is partial eyelid removal or Mohs surgery, which is surgically removing the affected tissue layer by layer until
Change Your Image With Cosmetic Procedures
Change Your Image With Cosmetic Procedures
Is Eyelid Surgery Right For You?
Cosmetic eyelid surgery is one of the most popular and most requested of cosmetic surgeries. Generally speaking, people more frequently ask for cosmetic upper lid surgery because of its immediate and dramatic effects on facial appearance. Within a week to
Is Blepharoplasty The Right Choice For You?
Blepharoplasty is a common cosmetic procedure sought after by people to improve the look of their eye area. If you want to eliminate drooping from your upper eyelids or remove the puffiness from under your eyes getting eyelid surgery is
Does My Child Have Ptosis?
Ptosis is a condition that causes the upper eyelid to droop over the eye, when the muscle that lifts isn’t working properly; this gives the eye a sleepy look. Congenital ptosis is when a child is born with the condition,
Pros and Cons of Reconstructive Surgery
Before getting reconstructive surgery, the best plastic surgeons in Miami will go over the pros and cons with you to ensure that the procedure is really something you want to go forward with. However, before you even schedule a consultation for plastic