Blepharoplasty is a common cosmetic procedure sought after by people to improve the look of their eye area. If you want to eliminate drooping from your upper eyelids or remove the puffiness from under your eyes getting eyelid surgery is an excellent way to accomplish this. Do some research and look at before and after plastic surgery photos to get a clear idea of how blepharoplasty can enhance the look of your eye area, making it more youthful. Eyelid surgery will not only improve the aesthetics of your face, but can also help your vision by removing excess skin from around the eyelid area.

Your first step will be to find a Miami cosmetic surgeon who specializes in ophthalmic surgeries and can provide you with the best plan of action. During the consultation you will get a full work up of your eyes, your goals will be assessed, your vision will be tested, and your medical history will be examined. Once it is determined you are a viable candidate for eyelid surgery the Miami cosmetic surgeon will go over all aspects of the procedure from the technique to the recovery. This is an outpatient procedure that usually runs between one and three hours; make sure you follow all recommendations made by the Miami cosmetic surgeon before your surgery.

Depending on the scope of your blepharoplasty, incisions will be made either inside the lower eyelid, upper eyelid, or below your lash on the lower eyelid. Since most incisions are made in the natural creases of the eyes there is little to no scarring. After the eyelid surgery expect to feel sore, tight, and swollen; there will be some bruising and it can take up to a month to fully recover. You will be given strict instructions by your Miami cosmetic surgeon post-surgery that need to be carefully followed to ensure a quick and easy recovery.

Is Blepharoplasty The Right Choice For You?