Muscles around the eyes weaken over time, loosening the skin. Even the strongest skin can start to droop or sag! Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that can take away a lot of the skin, fat, and lax muscle that hinders your ability to feel at your best.
Paul McCartney sent his troubles far away and took back his eyes of yesterday, and Bono saw the sun rise over his skin…with blepharoplasty!
See Things More Clearly
- Improve Your Vision
When it’s hard to see the big picture, it’s difficult to see your place in it. Excess skin on your upper eyelid can drape down over your eyes and cover the edges of your vision, obstructing your ability to view the world clearly in your everyday life. A blepharoplasty can bring back your peripheral vision so your path is crystal clear. Your excess skin can be eliminated, expanding your line of sight and revealing an expanded version of yourself.
Feel Comfortable In Your Skin
- Reduce Skin Irritation
Heavy skin weighing on your eyelids is not comfortable—It can irritate both your skin and your mind! Excess skin folds above the eyes can rub against one another, rubbing you the wrong way. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty can help you feel tranquil again by removing the skin that is weighing you down!
- Alleviate Forehead Discomfort
The extra weight of drooping skin can be a headache when it over activates the muscles in your forehead! The strain can be painful, but an upper eyelid blepharoplasty can take the load off and give you sweet relief.
Look How You Feel… Feel Like Yourself
- Reduce Eye Bags and Dark Circles
Eye bags and dark circles from under eye pockets of excess fat can drag you down. Other people might think you didn’t get enough sleep or have an allergy, causing you to feel misunderstood. An under eye blepharoplasty can rid you of the excess so that you can reclaim your youthful appearance and start to feel young again!
- Restore Volume Loss
Volume loss around your eyes can make you feel hollow. Lively cheeks can lose volume with age, descending from your eyes, which can make you look fatigued. Losing fat under your eyes can cause under eyelid hollowing, with a tiresome effect on your image. Excess fat from other areas can be repurposed during blepharoplasty to restore your vitality!
- Regain Natural Eye Contour
Use blepharoplasty methods to enhance the shape of your eyes, and you will enhance how you feel about yourself. If the eyes staring back at you in the mirror don’t reflect how you feel inside, lifting, sculpting, and removing fat from around them can reveal the real you!
- Soften Fine Lines
If fine lines keep you from feeling fine, blepharoplasty can reduce the appearance of your wrinkles, so you can turn back the time.
- Keep Your Makeup In Place
The skin around your eyes can smudge your makeup, but if you make up your mind to get a blepharoplasty procedure, it shouldn’t budge!
Make The Most of Your Time
Your eyes are sensitive, so be sensible when choosing your oculoplastic surgeon. Lift your spirits even higher by getting a facelift at the same time!